Senin, 23 Januari 2012

writing material


Narrative is a story that describes real or imaginative events of people. A paragraph, on the other hand, is a series of sentences that deals with a specific subject. A narrative paragraph therefore is a story of fictional or non-fictional human events in a constructive form. It consists of a topic sentence, the body of the paragraph that supports the topic and a conclusion.

 How to write  a narrative paragraph?
First, choose a favorite topic that creates curiosity. For instance, you wish to write about a romance that began via the internet.

Second, write a line that recounts the romance. A narrative paragraph about online dating may use a topic sentence as this: I never dreamed the man I met through online dating would become my husband two years later. Be as creative as you wish.

Third, note down several details about your chosen topic. Emphasize important facts that you know. The details of the chosen topic might be how the two people met, their first real eyeball, the sealing of love, the obstacles and the challenges and finally, the wedding. In your story, you can have more, as long as the details are accurate and important to your topic.

Fourth, craft an outline of your paragraph that starts with the topic sentence and includes the important details that you had noted. Do research. Expand your narration about your topic or in this case, about internet romance or online dating.

Fifth, write your detail sentences. Be careful with connecting each sentence logically through narrative form.

Sixth, end with a closing sentence that summarizes your paragraph; but avoiding repetition of details. In the example, the concluding sentence may be: Now, computers and the internet have become obsolete since me and my husband have all the time to talk and touch, in real.

Seventh, ensure that your narrative paragraph is error-free in spelling, grammar and punctuation. There are free sites in the internet that check grammar and spelling, or ask a friend to proofread.

Example of a Narrative Paragraph


Larry suddenly woke up from a deep sleep. The sun was dazzling his half-open eyes, and he couldn’t figure out what time it was. The door to his room was closed; the house was immersed in some sort of reckless silence. He slowly got out of his bed and approached the bench right next to the window. For a moment, he thought, he heard a tapping sound coming from the attic. Then again he heard the sound, only this time it seemed to be somewhat closer. He looked outside the window and saw a man going by the left side of the road. On seeing Larry, the man approached his garden’s fence and whistled. At this point, Larry recognized Nick and waved his hand. He quickly got dressed and was about the get down to open the gate, but he again heard someone murmuring in the other part of the house. Larry decided to go to the attic and see what was causing this, now buzzing, sound. He got to the second floor of his house and looked toward the attic. He quickly opened its door and looked inside. Nothing was found. He was about to turn back and attend to his guest when he, suddenly, slipped on the stairs and fell. He called out to Nick to help him get up.

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